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16440 The Red Jinty Returns!

Our flagship Red Jinty, LMS 3F 16440 made its full return to service over the weekend 29th & 30th June hauling its first solo passenger trains in over 16 years! We can’t wait to bring you lots more photos and videos over the coming months and years of this lovely […]


The Matthew Kirtley Building (MKB), the Main Exhibition Hall here at the Midland Railway- Butterley, is in urgent need of roof and guttering repairs. In periods of heavy rain, water pours into the building and is causing massive damage to the building’s main structure and the vehicles it houses. The […]

Swanwick Junction Vandalism!

It is with incredible sadness that we have to post about vandalism yet again!On the evening of Tuesday 18th June the Swanwick Junction site was maliciously attacked by mindless vandalism, causing damage to the demonstration signal box, toilet block and fencing.Along with graffiti on signs and a bench! The railway […]

Butterley Vandalism Appeal

It is with incredible sadness that we have to write this, however on Monday 23rd January the site was maliciously attacked by mindless vandalism, causing not only damage to the Midland Railway – Butterley, but also our partner organisations.