This shed is used for the storage and restoration of the narrow gauge locomotives and carriages. This has a viewing area that is open on many days and you can see progress on a number of projects. It is operated by the Golden Valley Light Railway (GVLR).

Historic Carriage & Wagon Workshop
Down the steps to the right on the path leading to the West Shed Experience a path leads to the Historic Carriage and Wagon workshop and in front of it can be seen a large number of historic carriages and wagons awaiting restoration. Inside the shed painstaking and long term restoration of the Midland Railway Trust’s collection of historic vehicles takes place, the results of which are stored in the Matthew Kirtley Building. Unfortunately this building is currently closed to visitors.

Diesel Depot
The Diesel Depot houses some of the resident fleet of diesel locomotives and is used for their overhaul. It is also used for some special events but is otherwise not generally open to the public.

Richard Levick Workshop
The Richard Levick Workshop is located behind the Matthew Kirtley Building and houses the Midland Railway Trust’s main locomotive restoration facilities. Access to this area is obviously restricted and so it is not open to the general public.