Archived material at the Midland Railway – Butterley
The Midland Railway Trust Ltd. holds archive material of two types:
- Historical material as part of its Museum and Support Collections as defined by its charitable objects:
To advance the knowledge and understanding of the role played by the Midland Railway Company and its successors in technological and social development, both regionally and nationally, together with its links with communities and industry, for the benefit of the public, by the establishment and maintenance of a working museum and associated estate.
- Records of its own activities in developing and operating the Midland Railway – Butterley. (N.B. This is entirely separate from its commercial and membership records and does not include any data relating to commercial operations and membership.)
Both types are regarded as having been archived in the public interest. Data protection legislation allows us to hold such records.
This information is held permanently, so that it may be used for research and to enable future generations to find out about:
- the Midland Railway Company and its successors,
- the lives of their ancestors,
- the history and development of the Midland Railway – Butterley.
Who may view Archive Material?
If the document is open (for example, if is a published book, article or public register), anyone can look at it on request.
If the document is closed, access will be restricted for a specific period of years. We follow the advice of the National Archives when setting the closure period by estimating the age of the youngest person mentioned and assuming they went on to live to the age of 100. For instance, a Wages Ledger from Derby Works, that may have included people from the age of 14, is closed for 86 years.
However, even if the document is closed to prevent you from seeing someone else’s information, it will not stop us letting you have a copy of your own information. You can make a request to access your information but you will be required to supply proof of identity. Such copies would have other people’s personal data redacted.
Sharing your information
In general, we do not share your information with anyone else. However, some researchers are permitted to use closed archives if they are carrying out relevant historical research, providing that their finished work does not identify you as an individual. If you wish to access information on someone else’s behalf, you should include evidence of your entitlement to do so, such as a letter of permission or a Power of Attorney. If the person is a relative who is no longer alive, subject to proof of their death, such as a death certificate, and your relationship to them, such as a birth or marriage certificate, we can provide a copy with other people’s personal data redacted.
Who we might share your information with
We do not share or sell your personal data that may be collected as part of your visit (or your business contract) to any other person, or organisation, or museum (with the exception of what we are required to do in regard to Gift Aid and HMRC).
Controlling information about you
When you fill in a form or provide your details on our website, you will see one or more tick boxes allowing you to:
- Opt-in to receive marketing communications form us by email, telephone, text message or post.
If you have agreed that we can use your information for marketing purposes, you can change your mind easily, via one of these methods:
- Sign in to our website and change your opt-out settings.
- Send an email to
- Write to us at Midland Railway Trust Ltd, Butterley Station, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3QZ.
Any personal information we hold about you is stored and processed in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.
How we keep information secure
We have implemented physical security procedures, rules and IT technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from:
- Unauthorised access.
- Improper use or disclosure.
- Unauthorised modification.
All of our employees and authorised volunteers who have access to, and are associated with, the processing of personal data, are legally obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.
Keeping your information safe
The Midland Railway Trust Ltd. takes the security of its archived material very seriously. It is stored in locked and alarmed locations, with restricted access, limited to the Archive and Collections Team and key members of staff. Material that has been digitised is stored on the Museum and Archive Collection Team’s laptop, which is stored securely and is password protected, and a back-up drive which is also kept secure.